In 2010, we began DIVAS Circle, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting sisterhood. self-love and women's empowerment. Over the years, after meeting so many women through conferences and speaking engagements, we learned that many women struggle with self-love, self-care and self-confidence. Hence EmbraceHER was born.

Then the next question that we had was once you embrace yourself and love yourself, then what is the next logical step? The next step is empowering yourself to go after your dreams, pursue businesses, careers, travel or just to relax from the stress of life.

Empower HER was born in 2021 and it is a clothing and accessory brand to remind women to go after their dreams, but it is so much more than that. It is a lifestyle choice.

When you wear Empower HER clothing, it says to the onlooker that, "I believe in myself and I encourage you to believe in yourself too!"

Empower HER is more than just a brand, it's a lifestyle!